Q: When are annual assessments (aka dues) due?
A: June 15th of each calendar year.
Q: When are annual assessments considered late?
A: October 15th, at which time a $30.00 late fee per lot is assessed.
Q: Can I pay my yearly assessment at the annual meeting?
A: You may; however, we prefer that you pay in advance of the meeting (by June 15th) because paying during sign-in slows down the registration process. If you decide to pay at the meeting, though, bring a check or money order; we prefer that you do not pay with cash. If you do bring cash, it is your responsibility to retain the receipt.
Q: How do I get my name on the ballot for the next board of directors' vote?
A: Watch for the notice in the spring newsletter or contact one of the current board members listed on the website. You can also announce your intent at the annual board meeting (as a write-in candidate on the ballot).
Q: How often are regular board meetings held?
A: Most boards have held a regular meeting every month except in December and January. Watch for notices of upcoming board meetings on the opening page of the website and in the SROA notice boxes on the headquarters gate and at the entrance to Cape Labelle (near the mailboxes). Meetings are also shown on the SROA Facebook page.
Q: How often are newsletters sent out?
A: Usually in the fall, winter, and spring.
Q: What do I do if I see illegal activity on Sun Ranch land?
A: Report the activity to the Okanogan County Sheriff. They will expect you to have some amount of proof of the illegal activity. You should also report the activity to the board.