Snow Plowing
Rielan Bretz is our new plowman for the 2024-2025 season. His phone number is 509-429-1564.
Please contact him directly if you want your driveway cleared. He has the maps for both Cape LaBelle and Lyman Lake sides of Sun Ranch.

SROA Information
Sun Ranch Owners’ Association (SROA) is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington on
December 31, 1969, and operates under the association bylaws subject to the Declaration of Covenants that are part of the Cape Labelle and Lyman Lake plats of Sun Ranch as filed with Okanogan County, Washington, on April 6, 1970, in Volume 222 of Deeds, pages 250 through 259 (auditor's File No. 572520 for the Cape Labelle plat, and repeated November 9, 1970 for the Lyman Lake plat under Auditor's File No. 576689). The Association is not a real estate sales or development organization.
The association is located in Aeneas Valley, near the small town of Tonasket in north central Washington state. From Tonasket, go about 13 miles east on Highway 20 then turn right onto Aeneas Valley Road, which is the first paved road from Tonasket. Our Sun Ranch “Headquarters” area is about 12 miles in, at 1183 Aeneas Valley Road.
The Association owns the common areas of the plats, including the headquarters property, which is situated between Cape Labelle plat and Lyman Lake plat on Aeneas Valley Road. The headquarters area is where members meet for our annual meetings, and members are welcome to use the shower rooms and internet connection as well as obtain water.
The Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected at the annual meetings of the Association. The Board appoints the officers. Annual meetings are held each June at Sun Ranch headquarters on the first Saturday after Father’s Day.
Members of the Association are the owners of the individual lots defined on the Sun Ranch plats. Each owner, by acceptance of a deed or the signing of an agreement or contract to purchase a lot, becomes a member and binds himself to the Declaration of Covenants and all charges against that lot, including any interest and attorney’s or filing fees incurred in collecting those charges. Membership is limited to the owners of not less than one lot. Only one of any number of co-owners of a lot becomes a member. A lot held by more than one person in any form of joint ownership qualifies for one membership issued. A member is entitled to one vote for each Sun Ranch lot owned. Associate members have all the privileges of membership except voting.
The Association is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the roads, common areas, and the headquarters area. All roads within the easements defined on the plats are private and are intended to provide fundamental, unrestricted access to the individual lots. The easements also provide unrestricted access for public utility services. The Association endeavors to maintain these roads in a passable condition.
The Association operates on a fiscal year basis that runs from June 1 through May 31 each year. Yearly assessments are charged in advance as defined by the covenants. Currently, assessments are $120 per year for each platted lot. The Association has the power to levy equal annual assessments (dues) against each Sun Ranch lot as it deems necessary to carry out its purposes, and to place liens on lots as necessary.
No commercial activity or signs are allowed on any lot. Raising cattle or horses or agricultural crops by the owner is not considered a commercial use. No noxious, offensive, unsightly, or hazardous activity is allowed on any lot. All property shall be maintained by the owners in a clean, sanitary, attractive, and sightly manner, and be kept free of wildfire fuel as much as possible (chances of wildfire has greatly increased over the years).